The maps currently in development have better hold points and requires mechanically based skill AFTER the first 20 seconds of the spawn which almost certainly reduces down the number of players who will reach the end.

In fact the community has moved on from the CSS days. Zombie Escape has moved on from the CSS days. If you do not see this as an improvement in gameplay then I believe you see this mod differently to a majority of its regular player base. The trade off for more difficult settings is less trolling, easier gateway for newer players and more balanced rounds. These settings should ONLY be changed with a change to the spawn system. If I wanted to highlight changes to make the server harder and less enjoyable for new players I would have suggested removing mollies and reducing knockback only. Spawn in the crowd system favors players who are quick off the mark and bhop quickly to avoid choke points.Should any of the quick players become first zombie the round is over instantly as they are ahead of the “normal” players. The current system makes the game far less open towards new players and acts as a gateway for bringing new players into the community. Put any of these maps into rotation while a substantially new player base is online without anyone leading (while grabbing there attention) and watch the server empty. Previous arguments against changes have been made specifically with regards to favoring higher skilled players and killing the enjoyment for newer players. You can also share this page with other people and invite them to like the server on this page, this will help to increase your rating in our server top.Westersand, Sandstorm (Final level in particular), BP-Infested Prison or Wanderers are all examples of maps that do not play well under the Spawn in the crowd system. If your server has its own site, you can embed the widget of this server on your site so that visitors to your site can see the current current information on the server in real time.